D&C 2 describes how the angel Moroni appeared to the young prophet Joseph Smith, emphasizing the coming mission of Elijah to plant in the hearts of the children the promises of the fulness of the gospel made to the fathers. We can help our ancestors who have died receive the blessings of the gospel by performing proxy ordinances for them in the temple. We can find the names of those who need our help by doing family history work.
INSTRUCTIONS: Download and print the file with the button below. Cut out the squares on page 1 for the announcer to draw out of a bowl at random and then hand out one page of grid cards for each child playing (there’s enough pages for 6 kids to have different cards). Play bingo as normal using a crayon/marker to draw X’s when a space is used. When a card/word is picked, briefly discuss the meaning and how it relates to Family History.