June 24-30 Priesthood Power Matching Game

June 24-30 Priesthood Power Matching Game

Alma 13-16 touches on so many good principles my of the gospel… I honestly had a hard time picking a good concept to focus on for a supplemental CFM activity. I settled on the priesthood… what IS priesthood authority, why is it important, what are covenants/ordinances, and most importantly…. How do making ordinances bring us closer to Christ and eternal life?

Bruce R. Mcconkie said: “Priesthood is power like none other on earth or in heaven. It is the very power of God himself, the power by which the worlds were made, the power by which all things are regulated, upheld, and preserved.”

A simple way to explain this to kids would be:

When we make covenants (promises with God) though Ordinances, (physical act) preformed with proper priesthood authority prepare us to enter into “the rest of the Lord,” or eternal life (Alma 13:16).


Print this fun memory/matching game to familiarize your child with different ways the priesthood is used!








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