Print this fun activity to keep kiddos busy with their hands while listening to a lesson on Alma 23-29 about the Lamanites' change of heart.
1. Cut out weapons and write a bad habit you want to quit, something you want to improve on, or something you want to repent about (not sharing with siblings, throwing fits about having to do chores, not reading the scriptures very often, etc).
2.Cut on the designated dotted line inside the dirt pit.
3. Crease and fold back on the line below the pit, creating a pocket in the back.
4. Staple, tape, or glue the sides of the pocket.
5. While putting the weapons in the dirt pit, discuss how the purpose of life is to learn, grow, and improve to become more like our Father in heaven. It is by “burying weapons of rebellion” and bad habits and making covenants that we become closer to God and Jesus Christ.